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A Need for Speed: Is Indian billionaire Vijay Mallya simply tilting at windmills in his bid to turn India into a Formula One powerhouse?, July 8, 2008

In India, History in a Yellow Crate of Negatives

The International Herald Tribue, June 18, 2008

To hear an audio slideshow that accompanied this story please click here.

Peace Comes to Paradise: As Kashmir thaws, its economy booms. But how long can the quiet last?

Newsweek, June 16, 2008

A New Threat to New Delhi

Newsweek, May 26/June 2, 2008

War is the Answer

Newsweek, May 19, 2008

India's Missing Tigers

Newsweek, May, 5 2008

Putting Technology in India's Tea

The New York Times, April 22, 2008

U.S. Hears India's Call for Arms, February, 26 2008

Leaders For A New Age

Newsweek, January 21, 2008

Third World First

The Boston Globe, January 20, 2008

Amnesty Plan for Relics of the Raj

The New York Times, December 30, 2007

Coin Dealers Sue State Dept. for Details on Import Bans

The New York Times, November 17, 2007

On the Prowl

Smithsonian Magazine, November 2007

A Human Portfolio

Trader Monthly, October 2007

Real life, and then some

Guardian Unlimited, August 2, 2007

U.S. Imposes Restrictions on Importing Cypriot Coins

The New York Times, July 18, 2007

Architecture, Taken Apart With Pen and Ink

The New York Times, June 23, 2007

ART; Is the U.S. Protecting Foreign Artifacts? Don't Ask

The New York Times, April 8, 2007

Life After Dealmaking: Green Giant

Dealmaker Magazine, April 2007

The Story of a Snitch

The Atlantic, April 2007

Imagining, and Reimagining, the Globe

The New York Times, January 13, 2007

Foreign Ventures Come to Terms With China’s Labor Unions

World Trade, December 2006

A Brand-New Approach

Foreign Policy, November/December 2006

U.S. Delays Rule on Limits To Chinese Art Imports

The New York Times, October 18, 2006

How First-World Garbage Makes Africans Sick

Slate, September 22, 2006

It’s Rastra, Mon

The New York Times, September 10, 2006

Diplomatic outposts face security hurdle

The Boston Globe, September 5, 2006

Why old ways die hard in Montenegro

Fortune, August 25, 2006

Kosovo Dispatch: Final StatusQuo

The New Republic, June 16, 2006

Swing State of Mind

The New Republic, October 8, 2004

Will These People Swing?

Fortune, March 22, 2004

The Chocolate War

Fortune Europe, February 23, 2004

The Man Who Would Have Us Bet On Terrorism - Not To mention; Discard Democracy And Cryogenically Freeze Our Heads - May Have A Point (About The Betting, We Mean)

Fortune, September 15, 2003

Making Iraq Safe For Capitalism

Fortune, July 7, 2003

Crude Analysis

The New Republic Online, February 10, 2003

The Great Airline Leasing Disaster

Fortune, January 20, 2003

Do AOL's Ads Add Up?

Fortune, July 23, 2001

Is There a Screw Loose at Snap-on?

Fortune, July 24, 2000